The XVII International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae (SOL2022)

01.11.2022 - 05.11.2022

On behalf of XVII SOLANACEAE2022 we are pleased to invite you to participate in the XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae to be held in November 1-5, 2022, Hotel Porto Palace, Thessaloniki, GREECE.

SOLANACEAE meetings are an international affiliation of researchers working on all aspects of the species of Solanaceaeincluding investigations spanning from cultivation to improved and maintenance of fruit quality. This affiliation hosts meetings every year that took place in Europe (Spain), Asia (Thailand), and Asia (Israel). 

The 2022 meeting is organized by Prof. Angelos Kanellis and Prof. Mondher Bouzayen in close collaboration with the Scientific Organizing committee

The scientific program of XVII SOLANACEAE2022 will cover all aspects of research including Plant Physiology and AnatomyCultivation, Plant Nutrition, Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, Postharvest Physiology, Fruit Quality and Storage, ‘Omics Technologies (genomicstranscriptomicsproteomicsmetabolomics), Molecular Breeding and BiodiversityEpigenomics, Biotechnology and Applied Aspects.

Talks and poster presentations contributed by investigators from around the world are anticipated to exhibit the most advanced knowledge and pioneering works in the field of Solanaceae research. In addition to invited speakerstalks will be selected from submitted abstracts to assure complete coverage of the latest breakthroughs and cutting-edge advancements

The meeting will take place in the Hotel Porto Palace, Thessaloniki, Central MacedoniaGreece.

Full details about the meeting can be found on the linked pageshoweverif you have any questions please do contact here.

We look forward to welcoming you in Thessaloniki.

Angelos K. Kanellis & Mondher Bouzayen

More Information can be found on the Solanaceae_2022-Hompage

Porto Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece