Cold plasma within a stable supercavitation bubble - a breakthrough technology for efficient inactivation of viruses in water


In this publication we have, among many other things, shown the safety of plasma-treated water for potato plants (in a very small experiment). For this, we used a subset of the qPCR marker panel compiled for ADAPT pilot study.

A. Filipić, D. Dobnik, I. Gutiérrez-Aguirre, M. Ravnikar, T. Košir, S. Baebler, A. Štern, B. Žegura, M. Petkovšek, M. Dular, M. Mozetič, R. Zaplotnik, G. Primc, Cold plasma within a stable supercavitation bubble - a breakthrough technology for efficient inactivation of viruses in water, Environment International (2023), doi: